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Seek Compact Pro Android Fast Frame Export Control (Micro USB)

Seek Compact Pro Android Fast Frame Export Control (Micro USB)

  • Expedido em 11 a 16 dias úteis

  • Marca: Seek
  • Cód. fabricante: Sem dados
  • EAN: Sem dados
  • Cód. Interno: 224077

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A Telemoveis-Livres.com existe desde 2006, temos instalações em Lisboa e fazemos entregas em 24h em Portugal Continental. Temos stock permanente de capas, bolsas e baterias para smartphones e tablets das principais marcas. Compre com toda a confiança no nosso site ou diretamente nas nossas instalações em Lisboa.

Plug Seek Compact/Pro directly into your Android or iOS phone e in seconds you can see the heat all around you. The advanced thermal sensing technology lets you detect a massive range of temperatures—from -40° up para 626° Fahrenheit—and locate specific sources of heat instantly. Use Seek Compact in broad daylight or total darkness. Detect heat through walls, pipes, brush, e bad weather. Share e store the images e videos you capture. What you Seek is completely up para you.
Compact, portable, e lightweight thermal imaging camera plugs directly into your smartphone
See what’s hot e cold all around you—detect heat through walls, foliage, even in total darkness
Pinpoint energy loss, air leaks, clogged pipes, e electrical hazards
Thousands of everyday uses—perfect para homeowners, contractors, inspectors, e more
Includes a pocket-sized, waterproof carrying case